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Le Macine and Environment

Bed&Breakfast “Le Macine” was born from the restructuring of a old principale house of Ferrara characterized by a mill. The presence of this mill has contributed to the choice of the name of the Room & Breakfast.

In collusion with the new constructive techniques provided for the Bio-Building trade, the intervention done for the recover of the structure has cared the growing demands of the environment and health protection with a particular attention of the main theme of the energy saving through the usage of renewable energy sources etc.

The restructuring has limited, in fact, the consuption of no-renewable sources, and has used no-dangerous and ecological materials to reduce at minimum the impact against the health and environment.

In particular Le Macine uses:

  • An insulating coat on all the external perimeter of the strucure to mantain the setting temperature without render an excessive heating or conditioning in summer necesary.
  • A condesation boiler with solar panels breeds the necessary warm water for the structure working.
  • A photovoltaic system for the generation of electric energy that is distributed and put in the net again.
  • Doors or windows with a completed acustic and thermal isolation that guarantee the mantainance of the internal setting temperature and they have a perfect fono-absorbent power.

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Where are we
Via Coronella 3
44124 Chiesuol Del Fosso, Ferrara


0532 978 306

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